Wednesday 14 March 2012

Khandvi: from flour to the snack

Adding to my list of recipes and Gujarati snacks is Khandvi which not only looks very easy, cute and simple, but a misery if you can't roll the khandvi expertly. You'll end up with lumpy little blobs which have happened more than once with me. But it is truly said that practice makes perfect.

Conventional stove top method of making Khandvi is a time consuming. But I was so happy Microwaves has come to our rescue – now it is very easy to make the Khandvi mixture in the microwave, as long as you do it in short spurts, and stir it every time. Much better than ending up with burnt spots with the splattered batter!

So I found this one method easy and successful every time I tried. The process is a quick one and end result is not just any snack but it was also an art! There are only 3 secrets to making the Perfect Khandvi – use correct recipe proportions, find really sour buttermilk, and be patient! As for the recipe, here’s how you’ll make it.

Ingredients (Makes about 20 small rolls)
1 cup besan (chickpea flour)
2.5 cup sour buttermilk 
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
Salt to taste
A pinck of asafoetida
For Tempering
1/4 cup grated coconut 
1/4 cup fresh cilantro – chopped
2 small green chillies – chopped finely
2 tbsp oil
2 tsp mustard seeds
2 tsp sesame seeds

Prepare 4 medium-sized stainless steel plates with a flat bottom and place it upside down or let’s get innovative and use large pizza plates or even large chopping board covered with foil.

In a large microwave-safe bowl, whisk together the besan, buttermilk, turmeric, asafoetida and salt making sure there are no lumps. Cook the mixture by microwaving for 30-45 second spurts and stirring after each interval. Repeat this procedure for about 4-5 times. After the 4th time, check to see if the mixture appears to be thick enough. Then perform the Test to see if it’s done.

The Ultimate Khandvi Test
Smear a small amount (teaspoonful) of the mixture on a steel plate and let it cool for a few seconds. Try rolling it off the surface. If it comes off easily and can be rolled, it is ready. If it sticks to the plate even after cooling, or breaks when you try to roll it, cook it for some more time. Once done, evenly spread the mixture onto the upturned plates and spread it thinly, using a spatula. Let the mixture cool for 10 minutes or so.

Use a blunt knife to gently cut the sheet into 1 inch wide strips. Then gently roll each strip into a tight roll. Finish with all the rolls and arrange them in a serving bowl. Set in the refrigerator till its time to serve. Meanwhile, take oil for tempering, add the mustard seeds to it and allow to splutter. Add the sesame seeds, cilantro and shredded coconut. Remove from heat and mix everything together. Sprinkle this onto the Khandvi rolls and serve!

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